Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Eye Stye

21 Nov 2012 - 33 mths plus (2yrs and 9mths)

Claire had her first eye stye at abt 2yrs old. It did not develope into anything serious at that time. The eye stye subsided when we gave her a few feeds of barley water.

About 4 months ago in Aug 2012, she has her 2nd eye stye on her left upper eye lid. This time round, it was really big and swollen. So big that u can see the pus in it. As per advise by the elderly, we tried to squeeze out the pus from the affect eye. We tried various method, using clean fingers or clean needle (PLEASE do not try this!), Claire was screaming and crying hard when we pinned her down. It was heart-aching for us, but we thought it will make the bump smaller and disappear.

In Sep 2012, we decided to bring her to see PD. He prescribed Fucithalmic.

In Oct 2012, the bump is still there, thus we brought her to see an eye specialist at KKH. The eye specialist gave us two options, (1) Apply a stronger medicine (2) Go for surgery. If we choose option (2), that will mean she has to be on GA before the doctor can perform surgery. We couldn't bear to, therefore we opted for option (1), so he prescribed TobraDex.

In Nov 2012, the bump on the left eye finally subsided, but there is a scar, and what's worst, she has 2 new eye styes on the right upper eye lid. We went back to the eye specialist, this time round he prescribed MAXITROL for the scar and Fucithalmic for the new eye styes. And the next review will be in 3 weeks time.

We have tried various ways hoping her eye styes will disappear:
- Keep her hands clean
- Warm compress on the eye for abt 10 mins before applying medicine
- Drink barley water
- Eat pearl powder
- Pray at the temples
- Clean her eyes with chinese tea
- Tie black string on her middle finger

If you have other methods, please leave your comments.

From Mummy Soh